Utopic Self-premised practice 


1. Non-words

  • How do I engage with critical discourse without words?


o   Carban Walkers Rule / Minimalists sculpture

o   W.E.B Dubois Data Portraits

o   Carmen Papalia’s walks

o   Syrus Ware’s Portraits

2. Multi-layered viewpoints/ concepts

  • Room to build ideas – not didactic but not opaque

3. Visual/ colour

4. At times completely non-representational

5. Physically comfortable

  • Hammocks

  • Soft sitting/ lying

  • Back support

  • The feeling of the warmth of sunlight through the windows

  • Soft lighting – no pot lights or florescent

  • Private and public space

  • Reflective and discursive space

  • Down filled

  • Plants

  • Silence (but not oppressive silence)

  • Soft/shock absorbing floors like new children’s play structures

6. Political / activists / intersectional

7. Critical

8. Materially focused /complemented

  • Felt

  • Leather

  • Silk

  • Wool

  • Wood (at times)

  • Down

9. 3D/ Abstracted objects / Big

  • Robert Morris I love / Hate you

10. Freedom

11. Disrupted norms / hegemony

ALSO Emotional impact / revelation